BALID has both formal and informal connections to a range of organisations, and these relationships are in constant development. Here are some of the organisations that we continue to work alongside or have worked with in the recent past. Please click on the links to learn more.
UK branch of INGO with significant focus on literacy. Main activities include campaigning; advocacy; emergencies and development projects. Well known for pioneering the REFLECT approach to adult learning now used by 350 organisations in 60 countries worldwide.
ActionAid International
International partnership set up in S. Africa as move towards decentralisation. Supports similar activities to country branches (see above) including International campaigns for quality in and access to education.
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Network involving African Ministries of Education Development Agencies, Education specialists and researchers and NGOs active in education. Originally set up by the World Bank as Donors to African Education. Activities carried out by the 11 sub-sector working groups include advocacy work, analytical work, and capacity-building. ADEA also provides links to statistical databases on Education in Africa.
Book Aid International
Works in 30 countries, providing books and journals to libraries, hospitals, refugee camps and schools. Main partners are library networks.
British Education Research Association (BERA)
Produces the British Educational Research Journal as well as one off publications. Contributes to the activities of the National Educational Research Forum (NERF). Organises training events and conferences. Advocacy and communications work focuses on quality education in the UK. Makes representations to government departments and agencies on specific issues and to investigating committees such as the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education.
Building bridges through books
Sends Volunteer Mentors to day care centres, orphanages, pre-schools, and after-school programs in developing countries.
Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED)
Group of non-governmental agencies in Africa, the USA and the UK, focusing on extending girls’ access to education in poor rural communities of Africa.
Canadian Organization for Development through Education (CODE)
Works with overseas partners on education and literacy projects in Africa and the Caribbean. Overseas, the primary target group is primary school-aged children. Programs are in four general areas: Provision of children’s learning materials; Skills development in teaching/librarianship; Promotion of literate environment for children; Strengthening resource and education networks.
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
Faith based INGO working in overseas development and humanitarian assistance. Significant education work including literacy projects in Brazil.
Centre for Literacy Studies
Literacy Research department, University of Nottingham (formerly the Centre for the Study of Children’s Reading). Main focus of research is children’s literacy in the UK.
Christian Outreach Relief and Development (CORD)
Non-denominational relief and development agency. Focus on children and those displaced by conflict. Some literacy projects.
Christian Partners in Africa
INGO working in the areas of skills training, education, healthcare, micro-finance and childcare in Africa, including literacy work in Malawi.
Collective Consultation of NGOs on Literacy and Education for All
UNESCO-NGO cooperative programme initiated by UNESCO in 1984 as a Collective Consultation of NGOs on Literacy. Name and scope were changed to Collective Consultation of NGOs on Literacy and Education for All at the Jomtiem conference. Around 100 mostly international NGOs have been involved in this programme over the past few years.
Comic Relief
One of the UK’s largest non-state funding bodies. Education not a priority area, however funding programmes are currently under review.
Commonwealth Education Fund
Collaboration between UK Government, UK INGOs ActionAid, Oxfam and Save the Children, and the private sector. Builds national coalitions to promote education at the national level in support of quality basic education for all. Provides funds for targeted advocacy and lobbying work.
Commonwealth of Learning
Created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies.
Concern Universal
Development and Humanitarian Relief organisation working in a number of areas including Adult literacy and basic education training with children and adolescents in Colombia, Brazil and Bangladesh.
Concern Worldwide
Development and Humanitarian Relief organisation focusing on Education, Health, Emergencies, Livelihoods and HIV/AIDS. Basic Education programme area has a specific focus on formal primary education.
Department for Education and Skills
UK Government department responsible for all aspects of basic education as well as skills training and adult education.
Education Action
UK based organisation working with displaced people overseas and in the UK. International Activities grouped according to the following areas: Literacy and Basic Education; Education for Social Action; Teacher development.
European Association for the Education of Adults
100 member organisations from 34 countries working in the fields of adult learning. Main activities: policy advocacy for lifelong learning at a European level, development of practice through projects, publications and training, provision of information and services for members, international co-operation.
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults
Promotes and disseminates theoretical and empirical research on the education of adults and adult learning in Europe through research networks, conferences and publications.
Feed The Minds ( )
An ecumenical Christian charity which supports indigenous organisations projects that aim to transform lives through education, communication and the provision of information to people with few resources. Strong interest in literacy.
Friends of Birzeit University
Involved in securing and administering grants from British and European funding agencies for development projects at Birzeit University.
Gatehouse Books
Gatehouse is a specialist publisher of adult beginner readers and resources, written by and for adults who are developing their literacy skills. Its philosophy is “a beginner reader is not a beginner thinker.”
Global Campaign for Education
Campaign Network set up with the aim of campaigning for Education as a basic human right. Activities of the network include global action week and lobbying International financial instiutions and governments.
International Childcare Trust
Works in Sri Lanka, South India and Kenya in the fields of childcare, primary health, education and skills training, agricultural training and resettlement schemes, social forestry and wasteland development, disaster relief, shanty improvement and refugee welfare. Literacy is a component of some integrated development projects.
International Extension College
UK-based educational NGO, specialising in non-formal and community education and open, distance and flexible learning.
International Literacy Institute
Established in 1994 by UNESCO and the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. Mission is to provide leadership in research, development and training in the broad field of international literacy and development, with an emphasis on developing countries.
Islamic Relief
INGO working in a number of areas including adult education. Education programme covers: School Rehabilitation; Education Centres; Community Training Centres; Adult Literacy; Primary School Reconstruction; Graduate Training Centres.
Language and Literacy Studies in Education Research and Teaching Group (University of Manchester)
Offers research, consultancy and teaching services. Research interests include: development and evaluation of teaching and learning frameworks; language and literacy across the curriculum; language study; language analysis; assessment; gender and achievement; distributed and distance learning; use and evaluation of new technologies; intercultural communication and cultural studies.
Learning for Life
Works with local partners to provide education opportunities for children in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Literacy a component of overseas projects.
Learning from Experience Trust
Carries out research, training and development on practical approaches that enhance learning from experience. Holds conferences, workshops and study tours for professional development and publishes reports for individuals and institutions. Primarily a UK focus.
Lifelong Education and International Development
Created from the EID (Education and International Development) and Lifelong Learning Academic Groups. Researches systems undergoing change and societies in transition.
Lifelong Learning Foundation
Funding organisation focused mainly on the challenge of sparking and sustaining individual motivation and commitment to learning through life; and to reforming and revitalising the framework for learning and, in particular, compulsory education.
Link Community Development
Development agency specialising in educational and community development in South Africa, Ghana and Uganda, working in partnership with local NGOs, teacher training colleges and Departments of Education. Work is primarily school centered, with no specific focus on literacy.
Literacy Information and Communications System of the NIFL (LINCS)
LINCS is an electronic internet network that provides a single focal point for adult literacy resources, knowledge and experience from across the USA and the world. It is hosted by the National Institute for Literacy.
London Language Unit (LLU+)
National consultancy and professional development centre for staff working in the areas of literacy, numeracy, dyslexia, family learning and English for Speakers of Other Languages. Also runs training courses for literacy and ESOL teachers/trainers.
National Centre for Language and Literacy
Supports teachers, parents and governors through collection of resources; NCLL publications; courses and conferences; research; and a school membership scheme.
National Institute for Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)
Works to promote the study and general advancement of adult continuing education. Main activities: advocacy to national and local government, funding bodies, industry and providers of education and training; collaboration with providers across all sectors of post-compulsory education and training; fostering progression routes for adults seeking to develop pathways as learners; supporting evaluation and monitoring; research; arranging seminars and conferences; networking and sharing practice.
National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)
American organisation providing an extensive network of information for adult literacy.
National Literacy Trust
National literacy charity providing a web-based support network for sharing best practice, information and resources. Also involved in practical initiatives e.g. National Reading Campaign. Lobbying and advocacy work in response to UK government policy related to literacy.
National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy
Consortium of partners, led by the Institute of Education, established by the DfES as part of the Skills for Life Strategy. Conducts research and development projects into adult literacy, numeracy, ESOL and ICT.
Ockenden International
Works with refugees, displaced people and their host communities in conflict and post-conflict situations. Provides support in the fields of education, vocational training, health and income generation. Literacy a component of overseas projects with specific adult education initiatives in Cambodia.
International development organisation with national offices in many countries. Significant focus on education, including literacy.
The Reflect Network for Africa. Established in 2002 by African Reflect practitioners, to facilitate learning, sharing and continuing evolution of Reflect practices in Africa. It forms part of CIRAC (Circle for International Reflect Action and Communication), which is a global organization of Reflect practitioners, set up in 2000.
UK INGO focusing on child rights. Campaigns on educational issues in the UK and internationally. Supports some literacy projects through in-country offices in developing countries. Also supports UK community development projects and produces research and teachers’ resources.
SIL International
Works with speakers of languages which are still unwritten to develop an alphabet and writing system, and then to organise literacy programmes for their community. Literacy work conducted as part of a programme that includes linguistic analysis, community service, language development and translation.
International evangelical relief and development organisation working through Christian partners and local churches. Education programme includes some literacy projects.
The Mothers’ Union
Supports relief and development programmes overseas and in the UK. International literacy programme began in 2000 as a response to members’ requests. Currently supports literacy circles in Sudan, Burundi and Malawi.
Trócaire (Northern Ireland)
International relief and development organisation focusing on the following areas: development of civil society;livelihood security; HIV/AIDS; peace building/conflict transformation.
UN Literacy Decade
The Decade (2003-12) is focusing on the needs of adults with the goal that people everywhere should be able to use literacy to communicate within their own community, in the wider society and beyond. Activities aimed at achieving results through policy change; programmes; capacity building; research; community participation.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
United Nations’ specialised agency for education. Works to improve education worldwide through technical advice, standard setting, innovative projects, capacity-building and networking.
UNESCO/UIE Adult Literacy Exchange Network on Developing Countries
Directory of individuals and institutions throughout the world who are working on adult literacy in developing countries.
Supports education projects in developing countries and engages in advocacy initiatives through country offices. Literacy interventions cover a wide range of themes and countries.
United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA – formerly United Kingdom Reading Association)
Main aim is to promote good practice in literacy and language teaching and research. Main activities: conferences; publication of journals; responses to government consultations and policy changes; international networking.
University of East Anglia Literacy and Development Group
Forum for exchange for those involved in educational and research initiatives in the field of literacy and development. Research interests include: ICT and multimodal literacies; literacy and livelihoods; gender and literacy; training and capacity building; minority literacies; religious literacies; numeracy practices; lifelong learning; academic literacy.
Uppingham Seminars (
US Foundations funding Literacy Projects
Various Foundations giving support to literacy projects.
UK Funders
Guide to funders and funding resources in UK. Go to ‘Resources’ section of site.
Village AiD
International development organisation supporting projects in the following areas: literacy and development; agriculture and micro-credit. REFLECT approach is used in literacy projects.
INGO focusing on improving women’s lives through advocacy, campaigning and development projects. Programme of work is structured according to the ‘Four Literacies’ framework: body literacy; civil literacy; word literacy and money literacy.
Workers Educational Association (WEA)
UK’s largest voluntary provider of adult learning courses. Supported by the Government through funding from the Learning and Skills Council in England, and by the Scottish Executive and Local Authorities in Scotland.
World Vision UK
Evangelical international relief and development organisation. Main programme areas are: HIV/AIDS; peace and conflict; food security; development and rights; disability. Literacy not a specific focus of education projects.
Y Care International
International relief and development organisation working through local YMCAs in the UK and overseas. Education and post-basic education are two of the main programme areas.